Friday, October 2, 2009

IBM patents electronic checkbox.

Here is a slightly older news article, from late 2007, about a ridiculous patent case involving computer giants IBM. Apparently, IBM tried to patent the idea of an electronic checkbox; more specifically, the type of electronic checkbox where you drag your mouse through multiples of them and they select that way. The patenting of this type of checkbox was successful, because although the idea of checking a box is nothing new, and even the idea of checking a box using a mous is not new, the idea of being able to drag a mouse across multiple of these boxes and using this movement to check multiple boxes is technically novel, and fits within the four patent checks.

It does seem a bit like they are trying to abuse their ability to patent, and this article reflects this opinion, by mentioning the Patent Reform Act of 2007 that was created to help stop the abuse of patents. A line must be drawn between what is a sincere novel item that is beneficial to society and financially beneficial to the creator, and what is a money hungry patent that is basically a set-up to a lawsuit should anyone try to use this technology.

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