This news article also has to do with a company called AAA. However, this version of AAA is an auto club, as opposed to the AAA Apartment locating service that is in a dispute with First Call, as detailed in the post before this. It is important to note that this is completely legal within IP law, since they are not in the same field and therefore not competing with one another, it is perfectly legal for two companies to own the same set of letters and claim it as their own intellectual property.
On to the article: A man from Erie is being accused of cybersquatting for holding on to the domain name, when the company AAA would like it to link to their own site, The case has been settled, and James Van Johns (The previous owner of and nominee for coolest name of the year, as awarded by myself) has been forced by the courts to hand over the rights to the domain, but hasn't been ordered to pay any extra money, since it was decided that his intent was not malicious.
This applies to what we have been learning in class because of the cybersquatting laws that we have learned about. Although the article doesn't specify what business or reason James Van Johns owned that applied to the AAA business, although it implied that he was simply using it as a way to make ad revenue from people who ended up there by mistake. If he had a legitimate business under that name, then it would have been a different issue.
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